Phased Array techniques utilize multiple small ultrasonic elements arrayed in a single housing, each of which can be pulsed individually. Through electronic control of the element pulse timing, Phased Array UT technicians are able to generate tightly focused high resolution sound beams that are customizable to any application. The digitization of these sound waves allows for the recording and archiving of data, as well as post inspection analysis.
Now recognized by most codes, phased array is leading the industry with significant advantages over conventional scanning and radiography techniques. These applications are unlimited in any industrial field.

The TOFD (Time of Flight Diffraction) technique uses two probes in a pitch-catch configuration. A transmitting probe directs or 'pitches' sound into the material, while a receiving probe 'catches' the transmitted sound waves. Any discontinuities in the material, from manufacturing flaws such as plate laminations or lack of fusion in welds to service related cracking are easily detected.
The remarkable accuracy and high Probability of Detection that is the hallmark of TOFD has made it recognized worldwide as a proven and reliable inspection tool. ITS Technicians are able to deploy both Phased Array and TOFD techniques concurrently, providing you with the confidence of knowing the true condition of your assets.
AUT Corrosion Mapping is a technique used to provide accurate and repeatable internal corrosion mapping. This application is ideally suited to covering large surface areas quickly and efficiently and is commonly used to provide near 100% coverage on piping sections, exchanger shells, and pressure vessels.
All inspection data is stored digitally, and with the equipment and software used by ITS we are able to provide data that is customizable to any Fitness For Service calculation requirements at any time post-inspection.

Our qualified inspection team uses the most advanced equipment to prove the integrity of industrial storage tanks. Our techniques include automated shell scanning, floor MFL scanning with ultrasonic prove-up, settlement analysis, seal inspections and many more evaluations. Included with the API inspections is a certified checklist, analysis, nameplates and remaining life calculations.
We are always open to client requests as your satisfaction is our main goal.
(CR) uses very similar equipment to conventional radiography except that in place of a film to create the image, an imaging plate (IP) made of photostimulable phosphor is used. The imaging plate is housed in a special cassette and placed under the body part or object to be examined and the x-ray exposure is made. Hence, instead of taking an exposed film into a darkroom for developing in chemical tanks or an automatic film processor, the imaging plate is run through a special laser scanner, or CR reader, that reads and digitizes the image.

Infrared (IR) technology has shown a wide range of benefits throughout industry. Its ability to locate issues no visible to the naked eye allow safe planning and mitigation of significant problems before they become critical. The portable units can be brought into nearly any environment and provide digital images for reporting and follow-up inspections.
Guided Wave Testing (GWT) also known as Long Range UT (LRUT) can be utilized to screen large sections of piping in a short amount of time. This proven technique uses a range of different frequencies to assist in identifying problematic areas for further assessment.

Spark Testing (OES-Optical Emission Spectrometry)
Spark Testing is a mobile test method of OES Analysis. The process involves applying an electrical charge to the sample area which causes the material to vaporize and produce a unique discharge plasma to allow for accurate material identification.
HIC / SOHIC - Hydrogen Induced/Stress Oriented Hydrogen Induced Cracking detection using AUT-PA technology.
HTHA - High Temperature Hydrogen Attack. Using advanced back-scatter techniques HTHA can be identified at early stages prior to failure.
Cladding Disbonding
Cladding Disbonding / Cracking
By using TOFD / Phased Array techniques from the O.D surface, internal cladding defects can be identified and sized.
ASME Code Compliant
ASME Code Compliant Inspections
PAUT / TOFD are now accepted inspection techniques for all ASME fabricated vessels and piping.